Secret Reasons for Studying at AKPAR NHI Bandung

If you have reached the final level of Senior High School (SMA), it means it is time to think about the next level of education, namely university. Yes, the college period will soon come. For that, you must choose the best and right college for you.

Regardless of your major in high school, science or social studies, you can still choose a quality study program (prodi) that suits you at the right campus. However, choosing the right campus and major is certainly not easy. Because, choosing the wrong one can affect your journey to completing college.

Well, if you like tourism, you can choose AKPAR NHI Bandung. Surely you are curious about this campus, right? For that, see complete information about the reasons for studying at AKPAR NHI Bandung below.

About AKPAR NHI Bandung

The first reason to study at AKPAR NHI Bandung is because it has a very good historical track record.

STP Bandung became the forerunner of the establishment of AKPAR NHI Bandung. This STP is also inseparable from the establishment of the Hotel Vocational School (SKP) in 1959. SKP is a high school vocational school under the Ministry of Education and Culture.

Three years later, precisely in 1962, SKP officially changed its name to SKPP which is an abbreviation of Sekolah Kejuruan Perhotelan dan Perestoranan. This change also coincided with the shift in the institution that oversees it. From the Department of Education and Culture, to the Department of Transportation.

A year later, precisely on March 11, 1963, the Hotel and Restaurant Academy (APP) was established. APP is a continuation of SKP and the education period lasts for 3 years.

On March 8, 1965, APP changed its name to AP database shop N, which stands for Akademi Perhotelan Nasional (National Hotel Academy). APN. This academy (APN) also became the first higher education in Indonesia that operates in the hotel sector.

The Department of Transportation then decided to merge SKPP and APN into the Center for Tourism Education (PUSDIKPAR) on March 7, 1967. Three years later, on January 6, 1970, Pusdikpar officially changed its name to APN.

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Finally, on July 21, 1973, APN became NHI (National Hotel Institute). This change was inseparable from the cooperation between the Indonesian Government and the Swiss Government in the field of hotel education. The education system implemented at NHI is the Diploma I, II, and III programs.

Quality Study Programs

The next reason to study at AKPAR faculty of business and vocational stikom bali and its Fees  NHI Bandung is that this campus has opened a hotel study program. This study program itself has 4 educational programs, namely:

1. Room Division Service

The Room Division Service or Room Division interest studies Front Office, Laundry, and Housekeeping. In supporting the learning process, the NHI Bandung Tourism Academy has equipped various facilities and infrastructure. Among them are practical laboratories in the form of simulation rooms, language laboratories, libraries, internet, and IT.

In addition to supporting infrastructure, the teaching staff and lecturers are also competent and expert. They come from S1 and S2 graduates who have experience in the tourism industry.

2. Food & Beverage Service

The Food & Beverage Service or F&B Services specialization aims to produce graduates who have knowledge and competence in managing operational activities of food and beverage services.

Supporting facilities and infrastructure are also the same as the Room Division interest. There are laboratories, bars, restaurants, banquets, libraries, stewarts, lounges, and room service. Likewise with teaching staff and lecturers who are qualified S1 and S2.

3. Kitchen

Kitchen interest is part of the Diploma II study program of the Hospitality Department of the NHI Bandung Tourism Academy. This interest aims to produce graduates who are professional in managing operational activities, especially in the field of food processing.

4. Pastry

The Pastry (Food Production) specializat cz leads ion aims to educate and train prospective professional workers to be able to manage operational ac tivities in the Bread and Cake processing sector.

The graduates are prepared to fill positions as middle management in the hotel industry, catering business, restaurants, eateries and are expected to become entrepreneurs.

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Complete Campus Facilities

This campus provides various adequate facilities to support student activities, making it one of the reasons to study at AKPAR NHI Bandung.

Some of the facilities owned by AKPAR NHI Bandung, namely:

  • Area Receptionist
  • Computer Lab
  • Library
  • Classroom
  • Room Mockup Room
  • Novena Practice Building
  • Lab. Restaurant
  • Lab. Kitchen
  • Lab. Pastry
  • Individual Kitchen

The advantages of AKPAR NHI Bandung

The next reason to study at AKPAR NHI Bandung is that this campus has advantages that support its students to be successful after graduating.

Some of the advantages it has include:

1. Learning at AKPAR NHI Bandung

In the teaching and learning process, AKPAR NHI Bandung arranges it in such a way and always follows existing developments so that graduates of this campus are in accordance with existing job needs.

  • Curriculum based on KKNI
  • Periodic Curriculum Evaluation
  • Materials using the Asia Toolbook
  • Using the Swiss Model Hotel School
  • Lecture Pattern 1 Week Theory and 1 Week Practice
  • Industrial Work Practice for 2 semesters
  • Have a network of cooperation with industry
  • Students have achievements both at national and ASEAN levels

2. Graduate of AKPAR NHI Bandung

The reason for studying at AKPAR NHI Bandung is that this campus has been proven to produce alumni who excel and some even work abroad.

  • AKPAR NHI graduates are recognized by industry both domestically and abroad.
  • AKPAR NHI graduates have 1 year of experience in industry
  • AKPAR NHI graduates are equipped with competency certificates from BNSP
  • 34% of alumni are spread abroad
  • 74% of graduates wait less than 1 year to get a job
  • 74% of alumni jobs are in line with their study program

Studying at AKPAR NHI Bandung with Danacita

That’s the information about the reasons for studying at AKPAR NHI Bandung. There is good news for those of you who want to study but are constrained by costs. AKPAR NHI Bandung has collaborated with Danacita for tuition fee payments.

Danacita is an affordable education financing platform that has a mission to open access to education for students throughout Indonesia that is officially licensed and supervised by OJK.

By applying for education financing to Danacita, your tuition fees will be lighter because they can be paid from 6 to 24 months.

The process is also fast and easy online with a maximum of 2 working days without any requirement to pay a deposit, security deposit or other fees.

Apart from AKPAR NHI Bandung, Danacita has also collaborated with more than

130 educational institutions throughout Indonesia so it is definitely safe and secure.

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