4 quiz ideas for your Interactive Content strategy

Everybody wants people to hear what they have to say. Marketers are always trying to get a message across and attract users’ attention online with the right content.

That translates to lead generation, more conversion, and higher revenue.

But there is too much content out there, which can be overwhelming for readers. One way to differentiate your brand and finally be heard is by using interactive content.

The thing with an interactive strategy is that croatia phone number data it gives the reader a chance to reply. It’s very much like a conversation. That’s why it’s engaging, and it’s growing as a valid method of communication.

Another good point regarding this approach is the variety of options you can utilize.

In this post, we will address a particular alternative that works just fine for many companies: quizzes.

If you want to know some  quiz ideas to get started, stay with us!

We’re going to analyze:

  • Why is it interesting to use quizzes?
  • What are the best quiz ideas for your business?
  • Wrap Up

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Why is it interesting to use quizzes?

Let’s begin with some surprising stats.

According to the Content Marketing Institute and Ion Interactive, 77% of enterprise leaders think they can reuse interactive content whenever necessary, thus increasing the number of visits and reducing the effort of recreating pieces.

Also, the same source tells us 73% of them consider blending traditional tactics with interactivity as a booster of the brand’s message retention.

So, why is it so important to use interactive content such as a quiz?


Firstly, those pieces are engaging. That means they’re not another tiresome form of marketing communication.

They are fun and don’t require much effort, even though they demand the active participation of users.

People love those types of content, and they can spend hours consuming them. It’s like a game that they can’t get tired of.

It speaks to their curiosity and desire to get something different in their routine.


A quiz is also shareable. When users feel excited about a quiz, they feel the urge to show it to everyone they know.

So they share results on social media and compare the outcomes with each other.

By doing that, prospects help you spread your message all over the internet, which means they help you get more leads and new customers at a lower cost.


Quizzes are also different. It’s a strategy to cut through the noise of Content Marketing.

There is a lot of content out there trying to convey the same message. But when a brand chooses to adopt interactivity, it stands out and stays on the customer’s memory.

By making people have a good time quiz ideas while learning something new, companies quickly become an option that users won’t forget.

Perfect for lead generation

More importantly, interactive content such as quizzes helps you generate leads.

They are perfect for collecting data and insights on users’ preferences, pain points, and needs.

Often, marketers need to understand the public. Sometimes, teams conduct straight-up polls and surveys to know more. 

However, what if they do it with quizzes, in an engaging, non-tiresome way?

It’s way faster if you get responses directly from prospective customers while having them in a pleasant environment.

What are the best quiz ideas for your business?

As we said previously, quizzes are a great way to delight readers. Now, we are going to explain some ideas you can work on with your pieces.

Before starting, it’s crucial to highlight what you have to allow for when using this type of content.

Initially, your team has to be sure about what kind of information it’s necessary to get. Also, it must be clear what the members betting email list will do with the data.

Then, you can go ahead and select what kind of quiz better fits your needs.

Let’s see some quiz ideas!

1. Knowledge quiz

This type is a set of educational questions about a specific topic, like an assessment. For marketers, it could be about Digital Marketing, or about email marketing, for example.

As long as the subject is relevant to your buyer persona, you’re doing it right.

The rule is: you have to create technical questions about it to evaluate how well the user knows the subject.

It’s interesting because it’s like a challenging game regarding something relevant for users.

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