The IT market is currently overheat to the limit – the competition is serious. Moreover, as last year show, it is difficult to find a job not only for juniors, but even for middles. If your resume does not attract the recruiter’s attention in the first couple of seconds, it will simply be skipp. “Next” – that’s their approach. To pass this strict filter, your resume must immiately clearly show “what you are about.” acceptable.
In this article we will discuss
What structure should your resume have to attract the attention of a recruiter and tech lead?
What to write in the “About Me” section to avoid looking like “404 Not Found”.
How to make your positioning such that the recruiter doesn’t have to guess.
What bugs in your vague resumes resume ne to be fix before submitting.
These life hacks will make the recruiter not just linger, but breathe a sigh of relief: “There’s nothing to write here. Everything is crystal clear – it’s worth talking!”
Let’s analyze the correct structure of the “Work Experience” section
The question I get ask most often is: “How do I describe my work experience correctly? What should I include and what shouldn’t I?”
Key points
Name of the company or area/project (don’t write IP Pupkin or Self-employ – this is not informative).
Position (it is important vague resumes to indicate the grade: Junior/Middle/Senior).
Project — 2 lines in the description bc data philippines are enough. The main thing is that the essence is clear: development of a system/platform/site, users (internal or external), specifics, format, scale, technology stack, architecture.
Team composition and development methodology. Example: 2 developers, 1 load tester, 1 functional tester (me), 1 system analyst. Development methodology: Kanban.
Main responsibilities (5-10 lines):
What exactly did you do? at technologies did you use?
What programming languages did you work with? What tasks?
Frameworks, DBMS, OS, IDE
What DevOps vague resumes tools and technologies did you use?
Version control systems, project management systems.
Example for QA: Describe what was test, which software modules and their functionality.
It is good form to indicate:
assessment vague resumes of QA tasks;
parsing service The best thing to do is to combine logs;
creating SQL adb directory queries;
conducting a cross-demo;
submitting bugs for system analysis.