Neuropsychologist and director of the development center “Magic Children”
What is abuse?
Abuse is violence of any kind, be it physical or psychological. It is important to understand that a child becomes part of an abusive relationship, even if the violence is not direct at him directly, but at one of his parents. Bas on a sense of belonging to the family, a child may identify with the party that is being abus, even if he himself is not the object of violence.
Success and satisfaction: which is more important?
When it comes to the term “success”, its definition often comes down to social attribution – success in studies, sports, adaptation in society. However, the main and primary factor of success is the pleasure that a child gets from his life. These are not just achievements, but their perception and inner joy.
Abusive forms: manifestations and consequences
In the case of abusive relationships with a child, the forms of violence can be vari: from name-calling to threats. However, even if the threats are not carri out, their impact on the child’s psyche is enormous.
It is equally important Abuse is killing car owner database to pay attention to hidden forms of abuse that often go unnotic. One example of such forms are offensive nicknames that parents may use, thinking that it is just a joke. However, such words can negatively affect the child’s self-esteem and psyche.
The Importance of Privacy in ucational Work
Let me remind you Abuse is killing that scolding a child in public is not only ineffective, but is also perceiv by him as public humiliation. ucational work should be carri out in private in order to preserve the dignity and self-respect of the child.
Making excessive demands
When parents Abuse is killing how to find wordpress performance bottlenecks expect more from their child than he is currently agb directory capable of giving, this creates enormous pressure on both his physical and mental state. The child is forc to overload his nervous system and body by performing tasks for which he is not yet ready. This can lead to weakening health and the formation of a sense of injustice.