The in-store experience has, and will Key takeaways continue to, change to hong kong phone number library include contact-free amenities. Retailers must equip their businesses to capitalize on the shift to ecommerce. Dubois offers a slide illustrating what retailers need to succeed online:
Identify the systems necessary to source
track, and manage inventory. Organizations must be able to manage vendors and see when inventory is received and ready to sell online so fulfillment promises can be kept.
Outbound logistics
You must have the capability to accurately forecast demand. Last-mile delivery must be factored into your pricing strategy so you understand the average order value (AOV) necessary to offer appropriate (free) shipping thresholds to maintain healthy international law and distribution conference margins. Determine who is responsible (you or a third party) for fulfillment, including return logistics. Ensure you (or a third party) enable fulfillment options like curbside pickup or click and collect
Owning customer data means managing
Yield actionable insight. Do you build or buy ao lists this technology? Besides cost, consider that as you scale, your tech stack will need to grow and evolve with you.