Once in a while, you get an opportunity to change the lives of others by donating blood.
This opportunity happened on when we at Vtiger volunteered to donate blood. The HR team at Vtiger along with Lion Blood Bank organized a blood donation camp. People were excited, especially for the first-time donors. The pride on
the faces of these first-time donors was something to see.
Personally, I feel they were more excited sweden phone number data about the juice, cookies, and apples given to them after their donation.
If you were to make a list of good deeds, donating blood would be just as important as organ donation and saving lives. Many of you may have never donated blood, and some of you may have doubts about doing so.
Let me try to address any doubts you may have.
So who can donate blood?
The basic requirement is that you should be resources to help you get online fast a healthy adult between the ages of 18-75 and weigh at least 50 kg. Then there are other requirements:
- Your hemoglobin level should be 12 and above. This may vary depending on where you live.
- Your blood pressure levels should be normal. They should hover around 80/120.
- If you have diabetes, you should not rely on insulin.
- You should not have a cold, cough or fever.
Read this article to learn more.
Who can’t donate blood?
At our event, some of us couldn’t donate for various reasons. I have high blood pressure and my blood pressure really spiked because of white coat syndrome . They wouldn’t let me donate even though my hemoglobin level was up to 15. That doesn’t mean I didn’t get an apple!
Then there were two seemingly healthy global seo work people with lower than normal hemoglobin levels. And one lady who was menstruating.
You need to be in better health to donate blood. You should not be pregnant, nor should you have a disease that can weaken your body, such as cancer. You should not have hepatitis, HIV, or any other disease that can be transmitted through blood.