In German: advertising copywriting

Ingredient #3: The sale!
If you sell online with the written word, then you have to master one thing and that is copywriting


There are 1,000 books and a million courses on the subject, but to start with, it’s enough to learn the basics.

They consist of four simple letters:


The AIDA formula has been on the Internet for ages.

Nobody knows exactly who invented it anymore.

This stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

You can read the details for free in my article on

This is a comprehensive article on the topic of copywriting.

As I said, it’s a free article, it doesn’t cost you a penny, just your time and attention.

But I am sure the article is more than worth your time.

These are the basics.

If you don’t have that, then you don’t need to go any further.

If you don’t have italy email list these 3 ingredients, you will never get over €100,000.

I see it again and again:

People spend their time doing all sorts of things.

They try to hack the algorithm.

They are trying to somehow integrate a ManyChat bot

Automation in your email sequence etc.

(Reading tip: 30 proven ways to build your email list )

If you don’t have these three basics, you won’t make more than six figures a year, let alone beyond that.

You need the players with money

You need a very good offer – one that is tempting.

And you recent obstacles to the domestic punishment of international crimes need good sales.

If you do this online, with sales pages, like I do, then you need to be able to do copywriting .

If you do this america email list over the phone, you have to be good at telephone sales or one-on-one sales, whatever.

This is how you make the offer.

And if you have these three things, then you have this intersection, and that ensures that the money comes into your business.

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