What are KPIs and how to calculate them

Are you familiar with the term KPI? You’ve probably heard of it if you hang around the corporate or digital marketing environment. If you’re curious to learn more about what KPI means , what exactly these mysterious indicators are, and how to calculate KPIs, here’s the mini guide for you! Making decisions based on feelings and opinions is something normal and perfectly reasonable in everyday life, but it becomes absolutely inadvisable when you enter the business sphere.

The life of an entrepreneur

A professional or a digital agency must buy phone number list be led by them: data, reports and numbers . Any apparently serious discussion related to the life of a company or a marketing strategy that is not rich in terms such as “KPI” is comparable to a chat at the bar.

Pleasant, but unfortunately an end in itself. Designing, planning, implementing, managing and finally monitoring a business plan or a digital campaign without the use of precise metrics and statistics is a leap into the unknown. Obviously without a parachute.

The term KPI appears often in the virtual algeria phone number library universe but, like all acronyms, it is a bit overused and often not fully understood.

There are too many acronyms in circulation and you would like to have a clearer vision of what these KPIs are and what they are in practice?

We’ll explain it to you ASAP…oops, we’ll explain it to you right away!

What are KPIs?

Let’s first take a brief overview of the term KPI, to understand exactly what we are talking about: KPI means Key Performance Indicators .

These are metrics and measurable values ​​that allow you to monitor the achievement of a certain result and allow you to establish the lack data effectiveness or otherwise of a particular process, department, individual, campaign or business plan.

It goes without saying that to deal with the topic of KPI you should first have explored another key concept: identifying the objectives you set for yourself , as a company, as an agency or as a professional. In order to begin establishing which are the best KPIs to apply to your project, it is crucial to define what your goals are.


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