Medium and long term goals. As well as those of the individual departments and sectors of a company. But all the objectives must be carefully considered. Elaborated in detail and identified with the famous SMART method . Furthermore. Even the objectives of different branches of a company or of the different collaborators of a company. Should all row uniformly and harmoniously in the same direction .
Have you ever tried to row with someone
Who wasn’t rowing for the same purpose phone number database as you? Spinning around is the least that can happen to you.
Only once the arrival points have been defined will it be possible to declare the various KPIs to be applied, i.e. the metrics that allow you to precisely define whether the objective has been achieved. By what percentage and how it has been albania whatsapp database achieved . Or even to understand why it has not been achieved and what the weak links in the workflow were: the mission of the KPIs is precisely to understand the processes and strategies that have not worked, to transform them with new tests and new winning ideas.
Just as in a company there are business
KPIs to calculate, a web agency must be able to associate well-defined KPIs to each of its projects , to be agreed upon with the client: the frist database tactics and operations to achieve them will also be shared with the client and the reports that allow you to understand if you have hit the target will be studied.
In short, be wary of anyone who doesn’t use the word KPI, even if you’re tired of acronyms: considering them is an undeniable synonym of seriousness.