Clean and sanitize your Added cleanlines store ghana phone number library often. Give extra attention to high-touch areas, such as popular product displays and the frequently visited sections of your store. If you have baskets or shopping carts, wipe them down before each shopper touches them.
And whatever measures you decide to take, communicate everything to your customers. Display prominent signage in-store and include your policies and action steps in all your customer communications.
For best results, use a reassuring
tone in your messages. For instance, when emailing customers about your grand re-opening, craft a message that strikes a balance between promotional and reassuring. You want to welcome customers back to your business while making them feel safe and confident that they can shop at your store.
Early to prepare for retail’s bounce-back
While no one knows for sure when retailers can open their doors again, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared. Laying the groundwork today will put you in a position understanding the product or service to succeed tomorrow and beyond.
Let us know in the comments how you’re planning to re-open your store and excite your awb directory customers. Good luck and stay safe!
Have you started planning for the resurgence of retail?