1. SIEL April Conversation. The Society of International Economic Law (SIEL) is hosting its February Conversation entitled ‘Special and Differential Treatment under WTO’, with Dr Rashmi Banga (UNCTAD), Prof. Jan Wouters (KU Leuven), Dr Inu Manak (Cato Institute), and, Vineet Hegde (KU Leuven), chaired and moderated by Jan Yves Remy (Shridath Ramphal Centre, UWI). The event takes place 22 April 2021 at 3pm CET time. Registration available here. More information can be found here.
2. 5th CELI Peace Talk Seminar on ‘International Law & International Relations: Power and Global Inequality’. To register for this seminar, taking place on 22 April 2021 (6pm), see here. The panel of experts will offer a wide ranging conversation about how International Law scholars and International Relations/Politics scholars understand global inequality and power with a view to excavating how different “international” disciplines deal with global inequality questions. Similarities and differences, myths and misconceptions, and critiques of these disciplines will be explored. Topics canvased will include visions of an international legal order proposed by African1980s and1990s, extraction in the disciplines of IR and international political economy, International Law role in the creation of the conditions of global social injustice; cartography, contingency, and interdisciplinarity. To access the seminar click here at the time of the event. For further information, email the curators Dr Vidya Kumar and Dr Paolo Vargiu.
Diversity on the International Bench Lecture Series
Women’s Voices in the International Judiciary. The SNF-funded project “Diversity on the International Bench: Building Legitimacy for International Courts and Tribunals”, led by Professors Neus Torbisco-Casals and Andrew Clapham (Graduate Institute), has launched a monthly public lecture series on “Women’s Voices in the International Judiciary”. The series overseas chinese in australia data aims to reflect on the lack of diversity in the international judiciary — especially gender diversity —, which raises concerns not just in terms of descriptive representation and symbolic self-identification, but also regarding unconscious bias and systemic privileging of specific ideologies or positions in the process of adjudication. The lectures will run from March 2021 until Spring 2022. The third lecture will feature Professor Gabrielle Kaufmann-Kohler, who will deliver a presentation titled “Diversity in aid of legitimacy of international arbitration?”. Everyone is welcome to register here.
European Approaches to International Law in a Historical Perspective
Taking Stock of Some Contemporary Appraisals ”. This ESIL-sponsored webinar organized by the EUI and Roma Tre University will take place on Tuesday 11 May 2021, 14:00-16:45 CET. This webinar critically reflects on the legacy and characteristics (if any) of national approaches what is a facebook bot to international by bringing together recent scholarship on the European context as viewed from the perspective of broader debates in the history of international law. For more information and registration by 8 May, see here.
Call for Panel Proposals: American cuba leads Association EU Pact on Branch of the International Law Association (ABILA). ABILA calls for panel proposals for the International Law Weekend 2021 (ILW 2021). Submit your proposals by 30 May 2021. The unifying theme for ILW 2021 is Reinvesting in International Law. ILW 2021 is scheduled for 28-30 October. For further information see here.