Usually, you can connect various devices to your Windows 11 operating system. Some of these devices may be removable storage devices such as USB, DVD, CD, SD card, etc. The removable devices that you connect are connect for a short period of time and can be disconnect at any time. As an IT administrator, if you want to block access to removable storage devices in Windows 11, this guide is for you. The screenshot below shows a scenario where a USB drive is block and users get an “Access Deni” error when they log in to it.
Block Access to Removable Storage Devices in Windows 11
However, Windows 11 does not have its own setting to directly block access to removable devices. You ne to use advanc registry or group bc data europe policy methods to configure this setting. In this article, we will describe both methods, and you can follow either one for your convenience.
Blocking Access to Removable Storage Devices in Windows 11/10
Method 1: Using the Registry
Registry Disclaimer: It is recommend to create a system restore point first if you are not familiar with registry manipulation.
This method works on all itions of Windows 11
1. Run the command to open Registry itor . regit
2. In the Registry itor window, navigate to:
3. In the right pane of RemovableStoragevices , create a registry DWORD (REG_DWORD) nam Deny_all . Double-click it to manage email campaigns for customer loyalty set its value. Make sure you set it to 1 to disable access for all removable devices.
Block Access to Removable Storage Devices in Windows 11
4. Close the Registry itor and restart your computer for the changes to take effect.
Method 2: Using Group Policy
NOTE: This method will not work on Windows 11 Home ition.
1. Open the Group Policy itor snap-in.
2. In the Group Policy itor taiwan lead window, go here:
Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Removable Storage Access
3. In the right pane under Removable Storage Access , locate the policy nam All removable storage classes: Deny all access .
Blocking Access to Block Access to Removable Storage Devices in Windows 11
4. Double-click this policy setting and enable its configuration.
5. After enabling this policy, you can refresh the Group Policy engine by running gpupdate /forcethe command to reflect.