Reviews that customers leave on various platforms or in. Customer Feedback Analysis NPS surveys are valuable sources of information about problems and pain points. They provide an opportunity to see how customers interact with a product or service and what points cause them difficulties or dissatisfaction. This method is good because it allows you to analyze not only the positive aspects of the product, but also learn about shortcomings, about those places where the problem remains unresolved. The disadvantages of this approach are that the data can be distorted by random or unfounded reviews, as well as a small number of customers who are willing to leave feedback in this format.
Analysis of data from CRM
Companies using CRM can analyze the array of phone number list data stored in the system. For example, frequently asked questions or regular complaints can indicate key difficulties. Due to the large array of data, this method will be the most objective of all, however, it requires a huge amount of resources to implement.
But there is another, different Customer Feedback Analysis method of data analysis – frequency.
Benefits of Frequency Analysis
Frequency analysis is a data analysis method that evaluates the frequency of occurrence of certain meanings, phrases, or concepts in large amounts of text. One of the main advantages of frequenc digital transformation in the luxury sector analysis is its objectivity. Unlike traditional survey and interview methods, where the results can be influenced by subjective factors such as respondents’ personal preferences or interviewer bias, frequency analysis is based on the analysis of the actual content of texts. This allows a company to collect real data about what customers are actually saying and what issues they most often mention.
SalesAI performs frequency analysis of identified pain points based on Process Mining technology
The SalesAI system processes your call recordings and creates a list of unique and repeating events during the conversation that influenced the outcome of the deal. Our specialists then analyze the data and identify correlations of significant events in conversations.
Process Mining enables you to process large taiwan lists volumes of data quickly. If you have hundreds or thousands of phone calls a day, traditional methods of analysis are not only resource-intensive, but often simply impossible. Frequency analysis automates this process, allowing you to instantly process huge amounts of data and provide key information for decision-making. This is especially important in rapidly changing markets, where timely decisions can greatly impact a company’s success.