Good marketing In the day-to-day running of any business and almost even in our personal daily life, we all receive and give feedback. That is why it is essential to know how to give it as well as how to receive it in order to create a climate of understanding.
What is feedback?
In a communicative process that refers to any phone number database relevant response or reaction that the receiver sends to the sender of a message so that the latter knows his opinion or response regarding a certain topic, previously raised.
Feedback can be given about the result of a behavior, about an attitude, or about the person’s identity (in this case it should only be used in a positive way, such as praise).
Types of feedback
Positive: to give recognition to the other person or work team.
>Constructive: This is the wrongly named negative maximizing reach and engagement feedback, as it is used to offer points for improvement and is also the most commonly used. We often sin by taking good things for granted without valuing a job well done.
What to avoid when giving feedback?
Not preparing for the conversation . Improvising can make you lose the objective of your message and not measure the impact of your response or the forms used.
Never speak in the heat of the moment. Always start fresh list this type of conversation from a calm state where you have had time to process the information and your emotions about it.
Not focusing on what’s important
Giving critical feedback good marketing on small. Unimportant details is demotivating for the other. Person and has no impact on the rest of the work.
Make value judgments. Never judge or criticize others. Always use empathy to communicate.
Don’t make innuendos to the other person, be direct and polite.
Taboo phrases to avoid conflicts
Avoid absolute phrases like “always” or “never”
“You never update the app”
“You are always late”
“but” used after a positive statement, it is cancelled after adding the hated but.
More tips for giving good feedback
Be objective and don’t let the other person perceive that you are giving your own perception of reality.
Don’t give negative feedback referring to the person but to the action
Convey confidence in your communications
Listen and pay attention. Feedback is an interaction in which good marketing you are cultivating a relationship with the other person. On the other hand, feedback is a reciprocal conversation. The person receiving the message has the right to respond and give their arguments until a climate of understanding and problem solving is reached.
Avoid “balling”
Control the environment
Try to speak in a private place where other people. Will not interrupt you, and ensure that the other person. Does not feel observed by others while receiving the message.
Don’t give feedback that hasn’t been asked for. Make sure the other person is receptive to receiving the information, otherwise they are likely to react negatively.
>Give recommendations: It is very easy to detect. Errors and good marketing failures but it is much more. Important that when you give constructive feedback you are. Giving solutions and recommendations to improve and resolve the situation.