He received more than 80 letters

The “how” beats the “what

A few weeks after Ernest Hemingway published his “The Old Man and the Sea,” fans were beside themselves.


The plot is not spectacular: an old fisherman catches the biggest fish of his life and loses it to sharks on the way home.

You see:

What matters is not what Hemingway says.

But how he tells it.

And that brings us directly to the next point…


Originality is overrated

Strictly speaking, the most successful stories of all time are always stories about love, friendship and family.

See for yourself:

Star Wars (father-son story)
Toystory (Friendship)
Gone with the Wind (Love)
Titanic (Love)
Gladiator (Family, Friendship, Love)
What makes it special is the how.

So the context.

The “surroundings”.

Means for you:

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

Just present it in a new context.

9. A story evolves
First draft of storytelling
Steve Jobs said in his famous speech:

“You can only connect the dots afterwards.”

It’s the same with a story – even your own life story or your corporate story.

Often it is only in retrospect that you see how everything fits together.

You will only find the “topic” of your story if you write.

And once it has japan email list crystallized, you rewrite the story with the theme you found.

That’s how it was with my blog Schreibsuchti.

I started as a blog about ” creative writing ” and then over time became a blog about blogging , copywriting and content marketing .

This has become clear.

But it only works if you start.

As Picasso said:

“I start with an idea. And then it becomes something else.”

The ultimate storytelling template

The ultimate storytelling template
Most stories follow the same template.

use this storytelling template for your startup story:

“Our founder was a kickboxing world champion and extreme athlete. Every day he needed a lot of protein for his webinar on border crossing and the right to liberty muscles. But one day he was fed up with consuming disgusting shakes and bars.

So he started looking for something better – but found nothing. So he developed a drink meal especially for martial artists, with lots of protein and vitamins.

Today our X-Shake is number one among boxers, kickboxers and martial artists.”

What are you waiting for?

Use this template to tell YOUR story.


11. The Storytelling america email list Legend: Spider-Man
Storytelling Legend: First Spider Man Comic
Why did Spider-Man become so successful?

Very easy:

Stan Lee made the “superhero” less super.

He gave him weaknesses. Everyday problems. Peter Parker is a sickly, weak teenager who has no parents.

A real problem child.

This made Spider-Man attractive to teenagers, young people and even adults who also have problematic lives.

What this means for your storytelling:

People are interested in people with weaknesses, flaws and mistakes.

Be prepared to reveal an embarrassing detail about yourself.

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