How to Create a Software Consulting Business with WordPress

Sharing information can be a very lucrative business especially when companies struggle to find talent with the right training and IT skills.

And if you’re fe up with the corporate rat race, it’s time to start your own software consultancy.

There is nothing more rewarding than becoming the master of your own destiny and having full control over how your life and career progress. There is also a lot of personal satisfaction in becoming an authority in your field.

Lonely island like a boss gif

If all this sounds like a pipe dream, prepare for a surprise. It’s much easier than you think.

In this article, we will explain how to start a software consulting company and how to set yourself up for success. sustainable success .

Necessary tools
MemberPress plus WordPress
You probably follow a software consultant on Instagram or LinkeIn, where they share tips and tricks for getting the most out of software. You may have seen them in articles or podcasts talking about their success.

Many of these people use a subscription model to run their software consulting businesses, and for good reason.

As a consultant, the subscription model does two things for you:

This way, you will have more time to gain more knowlege in your field and share it with your captive subscribers.
It helps you generate recurring income .
All you have to do is create valuable content . If you do, put it behind a paywall and focus on self-promotion and self-development. This way you can offer interesting content to an ever-wider audience (=$$$).

Objectives and objective following · 2. Focusing on some unacceptable crowd · 3. Dismissing your web composition · 4. Disregarding searchWaiting too lengthy to even think about acting · 2. Overlooking the human component · 3. Not grasping specific database by industry your KPIs · 4. Examining predisposition · 5. Stirring up correlationIn this exhaustive aide, we’ll dive into eight basic missteps you should keep.

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That being said, here is a list of the tools you nee to get starte:

WordPress is a free content management system (CMS) with an unlimite number of plugins to help you create the website you want.
MemberPress is a membership, subscription how to increase restaurant sales with wordpress and monetization plugin that allows you to turn your WordPress website into a money-making machine.
Canva – A free graphic design tool to create custom images.
FlexClip – A video eitor that lets you phone list forum create professional-quality videos easily and intuitively.
Castos/Seriously Simple Podcasting a podcast hosting platform.
PushEngage – A push notification tool that allows you to automatically send personalize messages over the web.
All of these tools are very affordable and easy to use . Put them together with MemberPress’ built-in ReadyLaunch™ estilizador de páginas, y puee obtener a professional, optimize membership site up and running and ready to sell in less than a day.

Read the post about ReadyLaunch on the MemberPress blog

Cómo iniciar un negocio de consultoría de software: Su plan de 6 pasos
Step 1: Get WordPress and install MemberPress
The first step is to get hosting for WordPress. Our favorite is Bluehost . It’s easy to use, affordable, allows you to install WordPress with one click, and offers a free domain name to sweeten the deal.

Once you have WordPress up and running, it’s time to add MemberPress .

The plugin allows you to set up and manage all kinds of recurring revenue streams. For example afiliaciones y subscriptions, premium comunidades , en línea cursos y paywalls .

Básicamente convierte tu sitio web WordPress en un money making machine .

MemberPress también resulta ser el #1 plataforma de afiliación más recomendada in the world. And with its growing list of features, the plugin is very flexible .

So you have control extraordinario sobre tus contenidos de pago y quién tiene acceso a ellos.

With MemberPress at home, all you have to do is crear grandes contenidos !

Learn more about creating great content on your MemberPress website
Step 2: Create and add content
Creating content will be an ongoing process. But before you start offering memberships, you nee to already have a library of content and offers for your first subscribers.

Decide what type of content you want to create. Your goal is to create value. The content has to be killer, no filler. So really consider who your audience is and what they will find valuable.

READ >> How to identify your target audience (fast and free)
Aquí tiene some ideas for content types . Hay mucho donde elegir, ¡así que trabaja según tus puntos fuertes!

Cursos de vídeo

¿Se siente cómodo delante de la cámara? Video content consistently scores better in terms of engagement, so if you can, record some tutorials and add them to your site.

How to Start a Software Consulting Business: Create Video Courses
FlexClip is a great tool to create quality videos without having to be an experience video eitor.

You can get starte with stock footage, templates, and transitions to make your videos look professional in no time.

Los cursos pregrabados en vídeo tienen la ventaja añadida de ser un ingresos pasivos source. Once the videos are uploade to your website, they can generate revenue with minimal maintenance on your part.

Webinars and workshops

If the thought of recording and eiting yourself gives you the creeps, you might feel more comfortable hosting live video seminars and workshops.

Zoom allows you to broadcast webinars to up to 50,000 attendees, so as you grow your subscriber count, you’ll have plenty of room to spare.

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