“It is by being freed from the drive that the analyst can use it”, conversation with Dominique Holvoet, practicing AE

L’Hbdo Blog : You wr appoint A in March 2016, and gav a tstimony in Rio [1] at th AMP congrss on th spak body b fr  being freed .

You insist on th ida that you knw that your analysis was ovr, but th sssions continu until this final dram and th analyst’s intrprtation, “It’s torn away! being freed “.

Can you tll us a littl mor about this momnt of th nd? And how wr you abl to distuish this crtainty of hav finish and this momnt whn you no longr rturn to s th analyst and call th scrtariat of th pass? vryth happns as if thr wr two nds…

Dominiqu Holvot : Th sign of th nd appar gradually svral yars bfor lav th analyst.

Th first  b fr intrprtation of my scond analyst

halfway through th analysis, was to tll m in th first sssion whr I was tak stock of th first phas: “Wll! All that’s lft to phon numbr list  do is…!” It was th progrssiv ruction of th traumatic contnt of th “mmory” until I could formulat “this is no longr of any importanc”, which signall th nd of th analysis.


prvrt by fantasy, an illusion of a sxual communion in a world that dos not xist. Th analysis of th mmory that stags th  5 position powr for your brand fathr touch th son, th link with th rcurr nightm of th Buddha, mask of th grimac figur of th Othr, th uncovr of a mod of njoymnt connct to this structur, transform th mmory into a sntnc that lavs no doubt about what Frud calls at th nd of th txt “A child is batn” [2] , th incstuous connction to th fathr.

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W find in this sntnc from th Écrits th doubl aspct of th analysis mntion abov,

namly th dimnsion of th njoymnt of th Othr on th on hand, but also that this chain that th Othr passs to m in th law is call castration and rgulats dsir.

Th doubl nd is thus on th book your list  on hand this insight of th nd which rucs nslavmnt to fantasy which has bcom ovr th cours of xprinc an objct “variously convnint and mbarrass” [4] , and th sanction of th dram of th nd which litrally uproots th fiction of njoymnt which gav substanc to an Othr “who wants m”.

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