Marketing in human resources management

Company culture is the axis through which digital transformation can be achieved. This is especially true in the case of the marketing department, which is changing rapidly and needs the support of the Human Resources Department to attract new digital talent.

However, this is a double-edged sword, since for the Human Marketing in Resources Department to function properly, it needs the help of marketing or at least to have professionals in its ranks who think like marketers.

A marketing perspective will help lead the HR transformation that companies need. HR management could benefit from adopting these seven marketing practices:

Presence on social networks

Competing for talent just like competing for clients

Many times, companies’ presence in the world dataset of Social Media is only focused on selling to customers, forgetting about communication with potential employees. Finding the best talent is as important as finding the best customer.

Pay more attention to user profiles.

The job search process has become so computerized payment gateways that algorithms often act as human resources managers. Although we use professional social networks to attract talent, we must not forget that it is people, specifically companies, who must search within these profiles for the talent they need.

Display your own media content

Achieving a more honest business culture that attracts talent

If you look at some HR-oriented company websites, you’ll Marketing in find stock photos instead of real people in their work environment.

When it comes to describing a company on a website, it is important to be transparent and give a sense of what it is like to work there. That is why, instead of long descriptions fresh list of what the company does, it is also a good idea to add testimonials from employees and their opinion of the company.

Uploading video tours to the web and social networks such as YouTube as a means of communicating the company’s culture and values ​​is a perfect marketing tool to help in human resource management, and consequently in attracting talent.

Taking care of employee satisfaction

Employees are the best brand ambassadors.

It is a fantasy to think that an employee is going to sell your brand on social media simply by working for the company.

Before even getting to that point. You must first think about the well-being of the employee. And give them the training and tools necessary to do. Their job in the best possible way. In this way, the employee. Will feel professionally fulfilled and will begin to feel comfortable in the company. That believes in them. This is how you begin to create in the employee the feeling of belonging to build a culture and authentic values, in which Marketing in the staff can faithfully believe and transmit to the outside.

Carry out online campaigns

Advertisements focused on the search for talent

If as a company you invest in elaborate online campaigns focused on finding and acquiring clients, why not do the same for talent search?

Promotional marketing can help potential employees resolve any doubts they may have about certain positions and tip the balance in favor of one or the other.

Influencer marketing for recruiting

We are in a time when online ads. Are massively blocked by adblockers or ignored. However when it comes to receiving information about. Personalities we admire we are open and willing.

Influencer marketing is not often heard in HR management, but why not use it?

These important personalities. Or specialists in a certain Marketing in area. Of ​​the online world can serve as fantastic brand advocates for your company.

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