Positioning in search Today we all talk about SEO and improving our positioning on the Internet naturally and quickly, but… is it possible to do it in a short time? Today we are talking about natural or organic search engine positioning.
Table of Contents
- 1 What is SEO Web Positioning?
- 2 The 4 pillars for working on SEO.
- 2.1 Analysis of SEO Strategies.
- 2.2 Internal positioning strategies.
- 2.3 External positioning strategies.
- 2.4 Data analysis in Google Analytics.
- 3 Conclusions.
What is SEO Web Positioning?
The natural or organic positioning (SEO) of a website is not something immediate, but it is what interests companies the most in the medium-long term. It is advisable to follow a series of established strategies and guidelines so that the quality and cleanliness of the methods used prevail on our website, criteria valued by search engines that will undoubtedly favor your rise in positions.
Online Marketing professionals are spain whatsapp number data updating themselves in terms of optimization techniques to follow the criteria most valued by search engines. We work according to Google’s Best Practices Guides and policies and use White Hat Techniques , that is, SEO strategies focused on the audience in front of search engines that fully follow the rules and policies of search engines.
Google tells us that “ for every search there are thousands or millions of web pages with useful information. ” That is why it has created algorithms that are nothing more than formulas and computer processes based on more than 200 unique signals or “clues” that allow it to guess what you might actually be searching for on the Internet. The algorithm is constantly updated and you need to know what is valued and rewarded at any given time in order to enhance it and be rewarded by the famous search engine.
Write for people, machines don’t buy.
If we had to summarize the way we work on SEO , we could talk about 4 strategies or pillars on which we base all our actions.
The 4 pillars for working on SEO.
- Analysis of SEO Strategies.
Keyword research, analysis of internet virtual switchboard vs call center management: what is the difference? trends, user behaviour and analysis of social behaviour. To obtain this information we use professional tools for active listening and monitoring, as well as market research.
Internal positioning strategies.
Creation and improvements in content and its quality, meta tags , links, keyword analysis and adaptation according to market trends and evolution .
External positioning strategies.
Increase the references to your website, external links. Participation in social networks and thematic forums with real and burkina faso leads contributions. Write articles on other websites that link to your page to attract visitors…