Digital marketing Digital transformation has turned the most sought-after professional profile into a perpetual learner. Now, because the COVID-19 pandemic has put the foundations of almost everything to the test, we have understood that the most important thing is to find resilient professionals.
This is what the consulting firm Deloitte
argues in an article digital marketing called “ Beyond reskilling . ” It analyses the results of its 2020 Global Human Capital Trends study, in which 53% of respondents acknowledge list to data that “between half and all members of their workforce will have to change their skills and capabilities in the next three years.”
This is a challenge of enormous dimensions, and increase conversions companies usually have a narrow window of opportunity to react. But what if the most important thing is for professionals to learn to be adaptable and resilient?
Reskilling a well-known starting point
Deloitte mentions that there is a so-called “ readiness gap ”, which consists of an alarming general inability to cope with the change we are experiencing: 74% of organizations say fresh list that recycling or reskilling is important or very important for their success in the next 12 or 18 months and, however, only 10% believe they are prepared to face this trend.
With this data
it is easy to assume that most companies will not be prepared for the dizzying pace of change. According to the consulting firm Deloitte, the speed of this change is mainly due to a paradigm shift between an “age of production” and an “age of imagination.”
We can explain it this way: before
the success of an organization digital marketing was based on the ability to efficiently build products or offer services on a large scale; today, on the contrary, business growth depends on the ability to innovate and other forms of creativity that have to do with “less quantifiable skills such as critical thinking, emotional intelligence and collaboration.”
In fact, the most worrying thing is that the consultancy concludes that, even if organisations were to acquire the necessary information to better understand the development priorities of their staff, they would have to face another, bigger barrier. This is the lack of investment to undertake this continuous training of their employees. Therefore, the reskilling proposed by 74% of organisations is far from being the prevailing reality in the coming years.
Adaptability or resilience, to the rescue
In this complex scenario that Deloitte poses, a solution emerges: resilience. This term, which has been so popular in recent years, is defined in the Spanish Dictionary (DRAE) as the “ ability of a living being to adapt to a disturbing agent or an adverse state or situation ”.
In its analysis
Deloitte sees resilience as the ability for. Organizations digital marketing to navigate this. Constantly changing environment: “equipping workers. And therefore the organization, with the tools and strategies to adapt. To a variety of uncertain futures , as well as training them for short-term needs.” Renewing skills is necessary and professionals who know how to learn new ones and retrain will be. The most interesting for the labor market . But digital skills are not everything.