But you clicked on this video, so I assume you’re still making less than €100,000 a year and that doesn’t mean you have a really well-running business.
about your target group.
Here is the simple rule:
Serial bank robber Willie Sutton was once asked why he robbed banks.
According to legend, his answer was:
– “Because that’s where the money is.” –
If you put your moral cudgel aside for a moment, you can learn a lot from this statement:
Your perfect target group are people who have money.
That simple, yes.
This doesn’t mean that you have to change your industry and leave your target audience, you just have to change your target audience within the industry.
What exactly does that mean?
Here is an example:
My content creator business called Schreibsuchti started as a website for creative writing .
Yes, I gave tips and advice for creative writing, journaling and freewriting.
But I quickly realized that most people who engage in creative writing do so only as a hobby .
You don’t want to and ca n’t spend any money.
You want to pass the time and just write something nice on the side.
On the other hand, I noticed that my articles on topics such as blogging , online content and headlines were getting a lot more clicks.
So I decided to greece email list change my target audience without changing my actual topic.
So Schreibsuchti became not a website for hobby authors, but a website for people who want to earn money by writing:
bloggers, content marketers, non-fiction authors
And also authors.
The big difference:
These people have money and are willing to invest it in tools, software and knowledge.
This means for you:
You don’t have to these are the things you need sell your soul and move into an industry you don’t like because that’s where the “big money” is.
In most cases, it is agb directory enough to simply adjust the target group slightly.
Also, it is very dangerous to go into an industry that you don’t understand or like, because enthusiasm is very important.