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Here is the hong kong email list transcript of the episode:
Stop buying online courses, I will now tell you five reasons why you should stop buying online courses.
Point number one: you urgently need money and want to learn quickly how to make money through the online course. Then don’t buy an online course. There is no online course that can show you how to get rich in seven, 14 or 30 days .
If you urgently need money get a job
But an online course is an investment. When you buy an online course, you have to assume that you have to implement something, that you have to learn first, that you have a learning curve and that the money won’t come virtual switchboard vs call center management: what is the difference? overnight. Anyone who promises something different is probably trying to rip you off, and then you end up with even less money.
So if you urgently need aleart news money, don’t buy an online course, and if you buy a course, think of it as an investment that will pay off over time, months or even years.
Point number two: the online course exceeds your budget. If the online course takes up all of your assets or you even have to take out a loan to afford this online course, then it is probably the wrong investment.