Brands strengthen their Communication in times of crisis


Table of Contents

  • 1 Adequate communication in times of crisis.
    • 1.1 Communication Strategies.
  • 2
  • 3 Most suitable formats to improve Communication during a crisis.
  • 4 Examples of Communication reinforced through infographics.
  • 5 Objective: to cover an unmet need.

Proper communication in times of crisis.

Bad, inadequate, untimely or even absent communication can have negative and irreversible consequences for the brand image. What would you think if suddenly someone you trust and like to listen to disappeared? Trust requires a lot of effort and work, and we would surely lose it. The same thing happens with companies: the Brand is the seal of guarantee of a company , and it is no coincidence that most of the efforts are directed towards Communication. After all, “the brand” is the greatest asset that a company has . It is what supports it and what really “sells”.


Communication Strategies.

Every communication strategy must be adapted to each case. Taking into account the immediacy of the response, the message. The formats and the frequency strengthen their Communication of issuing the different communications or topics to be discussed.

The relationship with the media must be more fluid . To give an example, if we look at the latest crisis that is being experienced worldwide, after philippines whatsapp number data state of alarm was declared on March 13, 2020 due to the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, we have seen how a series of drastic measures have been taken such as the closure of borders, the quarantine of the population and the temporary closure to the public of numerous shops. This forced adaptation to a reality that changes almost by the minute makes it more valuable and important to be able to adopt fast, effective and appropriate communication policies .

Communications Managers in companies and corporations have had to quickly address the adaptation of existing Content Marketing plans to the new reality, and the creation of new Global and Strategic Communication Programs at a time when we have the duty to inform responsibly and in real time, even in cases where many businesses have been forced to temporarily stop their activity. The smartest option in these cases is to strengthen corporate Communication and invest in greater efforts.

Brands must assume the social responsibility that we have , which is nothing more than the “moral obligation” to accompany our community, keep it informed, reassure it and support it, without falling behind. If we can be the first, we should be and we must not be afraid to put aside the commercial strategy to focus on providing added value, “that” to which we always refer and which is the only one that will help us to come out stronger in all aspects.

Communication in the midst of a social crisis is so important that it is essential to find the right format to transmit accurate information to the population quickly and effectively. Correct crisis management depends on this.

Most suitable formats to improve communication during a crisis.

We would like to take a look at the boost your call center manager skills with crm4 in which people capture and select the information that reaches us from our environment. In the midst of such an avalanche of news, photographic memory is our best ally to capture people’s attention .

We have seen that during the state of alarm due to COVID-19

both the Central Government and the Autonomous Governments have created graphics , infographics and burkina faso leads visual and audiovisual formats to provide the population with information that is easy to consume and quickly understood. In addition, these formats allow content to virally and to raise awareness effectively. Obviously, these formats must be by a real-time Strategic Media Plan , and directed to the appropriate Communication Channels .

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