Template to accompany metrics

Therefore, email marketing should be included in your  digital marketing strategy , as it is the best way to get the customer through the sales funnel, which consists of the stages: learning and discovery, consideration and decision.

It is important to remember that email marketing automation tools are essential, as they allow you to visualize and monitor where the customer has gone and where they have clicked when you send them an email message.

From there, if your brand verifies that the potential consumer clicked on the email and read the content, it is time to send complementary materials to continue the  flow of the funnel .

Email marketing can help you generate traffic, brand engagement, sales, retention, customer acquisition and return, and branding. But to understand the results of your email marketing strategy, you need to measure the entire process.

To do this, we have compiled the main email marketing metrics that should be used to understand the value of your actions template to accompany metrics.

Opening rate

The open rate is one of the most important metrics croatia mobile database in email marketing, as it provides insight into the number of people who were interested in opening the email sent by your company or brand.

This metric refers to the number of people who opened the email divided by the number of people who received it. This metric is actually a positive one, as it makes it easier to measure the effectiveness of the subject lines of the emails sent. It helps to define the best subject for the email in an A/B test, and even in choosing the best time to send the email.

However, the opening rate also has a negative point. In some cases, the actual opening rate may be slightly higher than the rate shown by the email marketing tool, because some of them consider an email opened when the user only authorized the viewing of the images, and there is still no way to ensure whether the opening of the email involved reading only the subject or the entire body of the email.

Click-through rate

Click-through rate is a great indicator to show how many people clicked on the email sent by your brand relative to the number of people who only received the email but had no interest in clicking.

This rate is a very relevant metric, as it allows you to calculate the conversion of your email marketing strategy. It allows you to know exactly where the potential client clicked when opening the email, which helps to identify the offers that work best and which topics, products and services are of greatest interest to the consumer.

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Open click rate

With this click-through rate, it is possible to measure the total number of views of an email, calculating the total number of times the user opened it, that is, all the times that the potential client who received the email read the message again, which may occur more than once or twice.

Conversion rate

Conversion rate is the measurement of how many people have converted or taken the action your company expected. It is the metric that will indicate exactly how many emails led to a specific action by potential customers, based on the different objectives established by your brand.

The objectives include increasing subscriptions to the newsletter, webinars, downloading content, taking a free trial, purchasing a product or service, among many others.

Rejection rate

Bounce rate is one of the metrics that requires the most challenges and solutions in air freight operations attention. It is the division of the number of emails delivered by the number of emails rejected.

If it starts to grow, it’s a sign that your brand isn’t following the best email marketing practices. This rate encompasses the number of unsubscribed subscribers, unread emails and content, and a drop in revenue.

This indicator shows errors in the email marketing strategy, which may include: poorly written emails, incorrect addresses, or errors updating the contact list.

Subscription rate

The subscription rate refers to the number of subscribers interested in receiving your company’s email. To increase the number of subscribers, you need to not only offer interesting products and services, but also promotional actions that attract potential customers.

This metric relates to the number of people interested in receiving information about your brand, as well as offers on your products and services, but it does not necessarily mean that these subscribers consume what your company sells.

Cancellation rate

As the name suggests, it is the rate of people who decided to leave your brand’s email subscriber list. Like the bounce rate, it is a warning metric that shows that your email marketing campaigns are not achieving the desired success, so it is necessary to change strategies to avoid cancellations and achieve better results template to accompany metrics.

This unsubscribe rate will vary depending on the frequency of emails sent by your brand, the quality of the content, the approach to communication, and even the design of the emails.

Acquisition cost

It is also important to measure how much your company spends to generate conversions through your email marketing strategy.

To calculate your cost of acquisition, it’s important to look at how aero leads much your company spends not only on email marketing campaigns, but also on social media advertising and on promoted posts through blog posts.

So, what do you think about the email marketing metrics we’ve gathered here? Don’t forget to include them in your company’s digital marketing strategy.

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