The Analysts of the School


Laura Sokolowsky will support the invention of this subject who The Analysts . far from having found in the cure what he believ he had come to seek, strives not without satisfaction to “include himself in the spectacle of the world” The Analysts . But not without the gaze of the analyst who attests in a renew way to this solution.

It is undeniable that in the 21st century the subject often lets itself be carri away, even swallow up by the empire of the image. “The analyst’s gaze” as it was approach in these 46th ECF Days remains, however, a recourse, a possible tipping point that I will not forget.

[1] The Flay Ox (1655), Rembrandt. Louvre Museum, Sully Gallery.

[2] One eye too many in Rembrandt’s The Flay Ox . Presentation by Serge Cottet at the 46th ECF Days “The Gaze Object”.

Sophie Calle The Analysts  likes to

“let herself go in a controll context”. On Sunday, her use of humour and comy also reveal to us to what extent, like dritte Person , with a laugh on her lips, we were includ in the iting of her work. So what could the  mobile database man in Vermeer’s Concert think of it ?

But it is an “I” of tipping, an “I” of absence, an “I” of paradox, a place of more place , in the pass and in what follows, that Jacques-Alain  how is your content strategy different from theirs? Miller call “the beyond”. And well this is what the three Analysts of the School gather here will testify to, they will untie for us these paradoxes of the “I”. It passes, but where does it pass?

The text of this intervention was deliver on Sunday

November 6 in plenary session of Journées 46 to introduce the first sequence on  and the Object of Gaze. It is reproduc here after rereading and with the kind permission of its author.
In the preliminary question, Lacan recomposes his

How is the relationship book your list  between the imaginary and the symbolic made? Between the image, the body, and the meaning of its being, what is the link? What allows these two planes to be ti together and, thus, to stabilize the universe of a subject by giving it meaning?


This is why everything goes away when he shaves his moustache: narcissism, imagination, meaning, reality… There is no stopping point for this flight of meaning. He no longer has the phallic compass.

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