The definitive solution to unify all your communication channels

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, but those that best adapt to change ” (Darwin, 1859) Don’t worry, you have not come to the wrong blog, we are not going to talk about living beings, but it is true that Darwin’s evolutionary theory is applicable to the professional field.

Companies, just like society, must adapt and evolve to avoid extinction. For example, in the current context, conversational artificial intelligence has become a fundamental piece in the puzzle of corporate communications management. Therefore, either they get on this bandwagon or they will be forced to disappear.

In this article we immerse you in the fascinating world of Conversational AI, and how Fonvirtual—leader in wireless telephone switchboards based on this technology—offers a truly revolutionary solution to unify all your communication channels.

More than a trend, a necessity

Conversational AI is not a  manufacturing website design and development service passing trend, but rather a pressing need in the business world, but what exactly is it? It is a set of technologies that allow virtual agents to hold conversations in a natural way. Through various systems such as voice recognition, Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, it collects and analyzes different elements of interactions to then generate human-like responses, either by voice —in the case of callbots— or by text messages —in the case of chatbots— .

This technology, in short, offers instant assistance and solves problems in real time: all in human language and in almost any language.

Our Services

Imagine having a virtual assistant at your disposal that efficiently manages all of your company’s interactions, from  professional call translation in real time emails and chat messages to phone calls. Not only does this save time and resources, but it also maximizes customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

Fonvirtual, leader in virtual switchboards with solutions based on artificial intelligence

Fonvirtual stands out as agb directory  a pioneer in the field of virtual switchboards based on Conversational AI. Its platform uses this technology to offer companies a comprehensive solution that simplifies the management of all their communications (internal, external, digital and institutional relations).

Thanks to Fonvirtual’s AI systems, you can know the customer’s mood, gender or language. You can also quickly identify what the user is looking for, and thus offer recommendations based on their needs. What’s more, you can improve the responses to your company’s conversations and thus reduce the number of errors.

Furthermore, Fonvirtual goes further and offers other innovative solutions such as simultaneous call translation or call transcription . In other words, if companies hire the services of this switchboard, they will be able to see and hear in real time the translation into the language of their choice of what the other interlocutors express during a call.


The magic of Fonvirtual’s conversational AI


1. Multichannel management

Boost multi-channel management of your business communications with Fonvirtual’s conversational AI. This technology allows you to unify all your communication channels in a single interface, offering first-class sound and image quality, as well as maximum security. In addition, it integrates with your favorite tools and allows total flexibility with devices connected to the Internet anywhere in the world thanks to WebRTC technology.

Fonvirtual’s flexible and modular multi-channel management solution adapts to your company so that you can offer the best customer experience in their non-face-to-face relationship with your brand. This allows you to offer personalized channels for each customer, allowing them to choose the channel that best suits their needs. What’s more, with AI you can analyze the sentiment of each interaction and measure customer satisfaction. Also, the unification of your systems provides you with a complete and centralized view of customer information, facilitating direct contact from your CRM or Helpdesk, and monitoring the history of interactions to offer an incredible experience.

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