Leadership style in the digital age

The digital We live in a technological world that has been changing, both in the way we act and behave, and thus influencing practically all areas of life, including the workplace. This digitalization is changing the way in which entrepreneurs lead their businesses , and therefore, the importance of prioritizing how to make them work optimally, distinguishing what their objectives are, the tools used and how to communicate with customers.

All these changes have led us to shape

create a figure known as a digital leader . Why do shop we say shape or originate? Because this new style of leadership has always been present in business, however, now it has been necessary to adapt to the digital era in which we live and become what we know today, a digital leader.

Leadership skills for the digital age

Today, this figure needs to lead a group of people whose main function is to motivate all its members, but what qualities does this figure need to have for this style of digital leadership ?

Good communication

Every digital leader needs to strengthen their lead generation best practices for way of communicating, since they must stand out for knowing how to speak clearly, directly and precisely: a message with these characteristics is adequately recorded by other members of the team, in the same way that it generates security and knowledge when addressing higher-ups.

To do this, it is essential to introduce assertiveness fresh list into our field of work. A leader needs to defend his ideas and rights, but always respecting others, without being aggressive or passive, thus improving the social image, fostering respect for other people, facilitating communication and improving the resolution of disputes.

Furthermor various work methodologies can

be introduced to promote the practicality of task development, such as the waterfall model , a process in which work is carried out in a linear and staggered manner, with a sequential order, on the other hand, there is the Scrum methodology , used to generate a project cycle where tasks are worked on individually, and meetings are then held to put together the work carried out and observe the collaboration of each one and their way of carrying out the part of the project.

decision making

As we all know, decision-making is one of the most important aspects when running a business, since processes are often unclear and there will be moments of uncertainty when it will be necessary to take risks. However, regardless of the type of decision you need to make, the leadership style is characterized by reaching a decision after having reflected and considered the pros and cons that the situation may entail, and thus quickly analyzing the situation and the next action.

First of all, a leadership expert can never contemplate the the digital fear of error: his perfectionism in anticipating possible consequences or variables through the following method:

Knowing the goal to aim for

Evaluate available resources
Consider the different alternatives
Assess the possible outcome based on the chosen alternatives
Make a decision based on all that analysis
Creative thinking
The main objective for your team to stand out or achieve exceptional results is that, as a digital leader , you provide your team with all the necessary material to reach those results. You are not in charge of giving them solutions, answers or paths to follow, but rather your own team, thanks to your instructions, is able to reach those goals on their own, thus promoting creativity and teamwork .

Yes, you are the leader of your team, but that doesn’t mean you have to control and manage everything that happens. One of the most important and, at the same time, complex skills for a digital leader is delegating tasks to team members.

Nowadays we can control

all these delegations that we assign to our team through numerous digital tools such as Holded, Asana or Trello, widely used to organize projects, delivery terms and control, so it will not be difficult to keep track. At the same time that we delegate these same tasks, we can take that time to invest it in other missions, in this way both the team and you will advance optimally in the project.

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