Empathy map what it is and how to make marketing

Make marketing  Having talent on your team is essential to be able to develop a company. Currently, digital transformation requires trained people who know the ins and outs of the new changes. Companies have an increasingly strategic role and it is therefore especially important to be up to date. It is in this context that training becomes an essential pillar and specifically studies such as the Executive Program for Digital Talent that we have at ISDI.

What is an empathy map?

An empathy map is a technique based on finding overseas data out and understanding the needs, desires, fears and frustrations of potential customers in order to create marketing and communication strategies that connect directly with them.

In order to draw it up, it is necessary to answer a series of make marketing  questions that establish the route to follow and that meet the needs of the client. These questions are:

What does the customer think and feel?

In this case, you need to know what really matters to them, what their main concerns are, what they aspire to and what worries them, both on a day-to-day basis and in the long term.
What do they hear? You need to look deeper into who the influential people they listen to are, what media they consume, and the immediate environment that surrounds them.
What do they see? It is important to know everything that is key benefits of using for lead generation in the potential client’s environment, not only focusing on the type of information they see, but also on the people around them and the products and services available to them.
What does he say and what does he do? It is important to know how he behaves in public, what actions and decisions he makes.

What are your concerns and fears?

You should know what fears you experience, what obstacles you encounter, and what difficulties you have.
What is an empathy map used for?
>>>>The empathy map is used to visualize fresh list the client’s needs, providing the data in a graphical form with the intention of understanding what the client wants.

There are several functions that an empathy

map has make marketing  that greatly help the marketing and sales strategy:

Understanding the user, which helps to design more specific products and services.
Facilitate communication with the client by knowing them in depth.
Foster empathy and connection through brand messaging.
Identify opportunities for improvement across the entire strategy.
Segment and/or identify new potential customers.

How to make an empathy map

To create an empathy map, it is necessary to follow a series of steps, including answering the questions described above. Questions such as defining the ideal client, knowing their concerns or shaping their way of thinking are part of the process of creating the empathy map.

empathy map how to do it

Defining an ideal client

In order to start making an empathy map, it is important to know who the ideal client is. This part of the process will serve to analyze everything about the person who is going to buy a product or service.

This definition should include a profile describing. What they do for a living, their level of education. What their family is like, whether they are a man or a woman, their age. Where they are from, how much they earn, what they are like on a personal level, how they communicate… The more information you put on the table, the easier it will be to get to know this person and, therefore, to know how to reach them.

Answer the questions on the empathy map

The next step in the process is to stop and answer. In make marketing  the best possible way. The questions that are associated with the creation of the empathy map. These will define how the client.

Again, this part of the process provides an important source of information that will make it much easier to understand who is on the other end and, in this way, anticipate their behavior and be in the right place to be found by them.

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