What is WordPress; Why is it the most popular content management system?

You must have heard the word WordPress many times. About knowing what WordPress is, it can be said that it is a platform through which you can manage your website. In fact, WordPress provides the right conditions for a content management system in the form of a website for businesses. In this article, we will tell you what WordPress is and then we will learn about its advantages.

What is WordPress content management system?

Setting up and designing portal sites or store sites, etc. requires a platform through which you can manage the desired content. WordPress is one of the ready and suitable platforms for this purpose. Providing free and non-free services to a wide range of users has the advantage that you can start your website with any budget.
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For many businesses, it is important to manage content easily and in the shortest possible time. Although the use of WordPress was initially considered for users who were interested in starting a blog, today many large international websites such as NASA, the White House, important news agencies such as Reuters and the New York Times use it to manage their content. do
These examples show the level of reliability and security that every user and customer needs, and WordPress has been able to meet it. If you want  to start a website for your business through online site building , you can start today. You do not need special expertise and ability. It is enough to read a little on the Internet to set up a website through WordPress.

What is a portal?

One of the most important database shop features that WordPress has compared to other platforms is the facilitation of the content management system. In addition, the variety of skins, templates and plugins required for content management in WordPress has made it difficult for competitors to compete with it. On the other hand, WordPress has made it possible to upgrade the website with constant and fast updates.
No matter what type of website you want to run, WordPress has the ability to process and manage the right conditions to accept all types of website traffic. For this purpose, it is enough to activate your website on the WordPress panel and personalize your site with the access you have to the plugins.
For example, if you want to start a store website and you don’t have a heavy budget for coding and design, you can use the online store builder feature of WebRams . If you need more information and advice on this matter, you can contact the experts of Web Ramesh.

Why is WordPress so popular?

Maybe you also have this question, why WordPress has always been able to attract many fans during its years of activity? The main answer can be found in its features and capabilities that are intended for users. Among the most important reasons why WordPress is always popular, the following can be mentioned:

1- facilitating content management

One of the most important and perhaps the main reasons why WordPress fans remain loyal to it is the ease of content management. The WordPress panel for content management has been compiled in a way that can be easily used to upload all kinds of text and multimedia content and, if necessary, edit it easily and in the shortest possible time. It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional or a beginner, the WordPress content management panel is easy to use for all users.

2- High level of security

Another important thing that is important for all users and audiences in using WordPress is security. WordPress has been able to gain the necessary trust to a large extent, because it has tried every technique and method to increase the security of WordPress sites.
Therefore, many high-traffic websites such as store sites operate in this panel. Many hacker attacks on high-traffic websites are aimed at obtaining contact information and businesses.
WordPress provides a high level of security for its users and in case of hacker attacks, it quickly informs the website management and blocks the way of these destructive attacks.

The importance of choosing the best content creation sites

database shop

As you know, today most of the businesses have gone to the Internet and even traditional businesses have transferred their activities to the Internet world by setting up a website.

This issue has caused a tight competition among different websites to reach the top ranks of search engines. In the meantime, one of the most important factors that can affect the improvement of website ranking is attractive and user-friendly content, at the same time SEO for search engines.

More precisely, it should be said that all the managers of different website need appropriate content for the growth and development of their site. Without the right content, a website has no chance of being seen. But producing appropriate content requires sufficient expertise and skill in this field and it is not everyone’s job.

Content creation website

Therefore, today, site have benefits of evergreen content been establish that specialize in producing suitable content for different site. That is, the site manager can register his order by referring to the content creation site service site and order a suitable content for the development of his business.

Of course, choosing a content creation site is not so easy! You should choose the best site for this task by considering certain criteria and achieve high Google rankings. In the following, we will teach you the criteria for choosing the best content creation sites .

Criteria for choosing the best content production sites

Each of the reliable content producing companies in Iran has certain characteristics and criteria. You can choose the best according to these features . Some of these features include:

  1. Having a professional and expert content production team: without a doubt, the first criterion of a reliable content production company is having professional content production writers and experts. The company in question must consist of experts in this field in order to deliver optimal and standard content to you.
  2. The possibility of placing orders in high volumes: from the very beginning, you entrust your site content production orders to an expert team and proceed with the same team until the end, which will save time and money. Because in this case, you don’t need to spend a lot of time to find another team and coordinate with it. Therefore, the company you are looking for should have the ability to carry out large orders so that you don’t need to work with another team in the middle of the road.
  3. Accurate and promising timing: You may set a content calendar for the progress and success of your site and upload content on the site regularly at certain times of the day. This has a positive effect on your site’s SEO and makes search engines recognize your site as a reliable site. But if the target company doesn’t deliver your content on time, you will actually fail to achieve this goal. For this reason, good promises and timely delivery of orders are very important and one of the important criteria of the service site is the content production site .
3- Continuous and daily backup

Another advantage and popular factor of WordPress is regular and daily backup of the entire site. which make it possible for site management to keep all information safe if it is deactivate. The fact that WordPress backs up the entire site daily is an advantage that other competitors have not been able to achieve.

4- The flexibility of WordPress

When you want to use the WordPress b2c fax panel to launch your website, it doesn’t matter what kind of website you are aiming for. WordPress has the necessary platform to launch all kinds of websites. This flexibility of WordPress has made it easy for different businesses to use this platform to launch their website.

  • Cost of content production: Without a doubt, cost is one of the most important criteria that everyone thinks about when choosing a content production company. As you know, the price of content production is determine per word and each company offers a specific price for content production according to various criteria such as quality of content, number of content, number of photos and diagrams, etc. Price and cost is an important issue, but it should not be your only factor and criterion. In fact, you should look for a company that provides the highest quality and guarantees you high Google rankings, and at the same time offers its services at reasonable and fair prices.
  • Having after-sales service: Another important thing that you should consider when choosing a site to order a content production site is to see if the company in question has after-sales service or not. These services may be free or paid.

In this article, we tried to provide you with general information about choosing the best content creation sites in Iran. Fortunately, there are many websites in our country, such as the CodeSEO site , which are active in the field of producing reliable and quality content, and there is no need to worry about this. With a little research and inquiry, you can submit your content production orders to one of these sites and help improve your site’s ranking.


Launching a website for branding and making the audience more familiar with the business is one of the necessities. You can’t seek to increase product and service sales but not update contact and customer information about your brand.
WordPress is one of the most popular and widely used options for launching various websites that businesses use to create corporate websites, stores, etc. High security, high SEO capability, compatibility with search engines, high flexibility, etc. are among the most important reasons that encourage users and website administrators to use WordPress.

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