What’s the difference?

We’ve been enhancing What’s the features to make sharing LinkedIn content through our Employee Advocacy solution more seamless. With the integrated compose experience, any LinkedIn posts you create for your brand accounts can easily be made available to your employees.

This means your employees

can reshare LinkedIn posts you curate for them from the Advocacy platform, instead of having to go find the post on the network—cutting out a search step that might be a barrier for staff america phone number list to repost content.

A screenshot showing a Sprout LinkedIn post that has What’s the been reshared in an employee’s LinkedIn post

Diversified LinkedIn video content

Video has become more popular than ever—66% of consumers say short-form video is the most engaging content type, up heatmaps for emails from 50% in 2020, according to The 2022 Sprout Social Index™.

That’s why sharing video content seamlessly on LinkedIn was one of our top priorities. Previously the only video content you could share on LinkedIn was video content hosted elsewhere (think: YouTube videos).

We’ve updated Employee Advocacy

to enable video uploads as content employees can share with their networks. This creates a more native LinkedIn experience text services for those posting, empowers you to share on-brand video and cuts out a step for you as the curator.

And more to come

Like we mentioned, the tool you use to power your social strategy with employee advocacy should ease the posting process—not hinder it.

From compliance-focused tools for highly regulated industries, to even more enhancements to scheduling posts.

there are more features on the horizon.

As Rae says, “There’s a lot more in store for .

Employee Advocacy in the future, and I’m so excited to help our customers drive greater business .

results by empowering their employees to .

share their voices and experiences.”


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