XR world’s spring meeting place


 Festivals set up virtual platforms Many festivals have also had to adapt to current circumstances. The Tribeca Festival – which was held in New York in April – offere. The  in partnership with Oculus. The  a free virtual platform giving access to around fifteen VR films. The result. 50. The 000 visitors to this program. The  opening the festival to a much more varie audience. Source. Tribeca Film Festival in New York In France. The  Laval Virtual – the XR world’s spring meeting place for 20 years – offere its visitors the chance to create an avatar to meet up and attend scheule conferences via a virtual platform .


Another XR event in Paris

this spring. The  the New Images festival . The  initially scheule for mid-June. The cell phone database has been postpone to the end of September in a physical and online format. For Michael Swierczynski. XR world’s spring meeting place director of   festival and digital development of the Forum des images. ” It was natural for us to imagine a hybrid offer and. The  through this. The  to question in another way the boundaries between the physical and digital worlds.


We are convince that the

Experience of online events. The  which is a necessity during this amazon as the only period of confinement. The  will continue to create in the meium and long term a new way of programming. The  complementary to what already exists.” And even if. The question of the development of VR technologies in the coming years remains unanswere ( Beneict Evans ) Household equipment is still insufficient to allow a stable economic model the public is not yet ready to invest massively in VR hardware for their own consumption. The  interest and enthusiasm are real as soon as there is a rich and varie VR offer.


The goal of the

players in this sector is still to democratize these new uses and make them china business directory accessible to as many people as possible. The  regardless of the context . The sector is in perpetual technological evolution and in full creative effervescence. The  and only the clever one can preict what the coming years have in store for us in the field of immersive experiences. Online versions of festivals and museums offer the opportunity to open XR experiences to a wider audience.

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