The customer is going to orient himself on the Your potential customer possibilities and will probably consider multiple solutions.
In the previous phase, the emphasis was on creating brand awareness, being found and inspiring. In this phase, you also want to be found, but the content of your content may become more commercial. Zoom in on your offer.
Possible touchpoints in the consideration phase:
- Product pages on your website, product videos, FAQs
- Listing on comparison websites
- SEA, bannering
- Retargeting banners
- Social media posts and ads
- Personal InMails
- Post comments on social media posts from leads and customers
- Direct mail by post
- Offline advertising: radio, print, out of home etc.
- Blogs on your own website or your blogs on third party websites
- Webinars
- Podcasts
- E-books, whitepapers etc.
- Newsletter/e-mail subscription
- Lukewarm calling by Sales
- Online or physical appointment
- (Network) events, (Digital) Round Table session
- Call me back request form
- Chat option
Phase 3: decision (choice)
The potential customer has chosen one malaysia phone number library solution and is now looking for possible suppliers. After comparing the suppliers, the cta for additional information customer makes his choice. In this phase, it is therefore important to convince the customer that he is making the right decision. Show that you are the best choice.
Possible touchpoints in the decision phase:
- Testimonials/reviews/cases from existing customers
- Product/supplier comparator
- Brainstorming session together with the jiangxi mobile phone number list potential customer
- Business cases that you draw up together with the potential customer
- Customer presentations
- Online or physical appointment
- (Online) demos, free trails
- Quotation and quotation follow-up
Phase 4: Service Your potential customer
In this phase, your product or service is installed/implemented and actively used. This is where you lay the foundation for customer satisfaction. So make sure there is a good ‘onboarding’ when the customer has just become a customer. And make sure there is excellent service afterwards. Of course, it is a must to deliver what you promised in the previous phases. After all, the customer expects nothing less than that. Go a step further and exceed expectations.
Possible touchpoints in the service phase:
- Implementation session
- Training
- Manuals, how-to videos, FAQ pages on your website
- Excellent customer service and complaint handling
- Frequent reporting
- Billing
- E-mailings, e.g. with relevant blogs or with a reminder for an update/maintenance/expiry date etc.
- Online community
Phase 5: loyalty (promoter) Your potential customer
You want to retain satisfied customers and bind them to you for a longer period of time. That is why you continue to pay attention to your customers after the previous phase. Make sure the customer feels heard and appreciated. If you do this well, your customers will work for you and promote your organization within their network.
Possible touchpoints in the loyalty phase:
- Service calls after one month, six months and one year
- Excellent customer service and complaint handling
- Customer days/events
- Loyalty program
- Special offers for customers
- Customer satisfaction survey
- Deliver a thank you gift around Christmas/Easter/Valentine’s Day etc.
- E-mailings, e.g. with relevant blogs or with a reminder for an update/maintenance/expiry date etc.
- Relationship magazine
- Online community