The issue of the representation of black and racializ people in literature, especially literature aim at young people, is rarely address. Author Hashley Auguste is behind Little Nappy, a universe creat so that children have heroes and heroines who resemble them, far from racist clichés and stereotypes.
A few weeks ago, the comic strip ” Spirou et la Gorgone bleue” releas in 2023 was withdrawn from sale because of its stereotypical and racist animal representations of black people. But it took a year and a mobilization on social networks for this to happen. A problem that is not isolat.
Hashley Auguste a French-Haitian social worker
by profession, is also an author and entrepreneur. She is the creator of Little Nappy, a universe creat so that children have heroes and heroines who resemble them, far from racist clichés and stereotypes. She recently co-sign a column against racist and stereotypical representations in children’s literature with publishing houses, authors and anti-racist activists. Interview.
You sign the article: “Why in 2024, does children’s literature still convey racist stereotypes?” Can you tell us more?
It came after yet another scandal where we saw yet more racism in thailand phone number library a comic strip . I told myself that there were children who were going to read this comic strip when at school, it’s already horrible sometimes… I receive testimonies every day from parents who tell me: “at school they say that to my son”, “they say that to my daughter”. All it takes is for a black child to come across the comic strip and they’ll say to themselves “ok so I look like a monkey?” The white child will say to them “hahaha it’s you!”
We are not visible enough and that is precisely the crux of the matter
This kind of comic contributes to harassment and doesn’t virtual switchboard vs call center management: what is the difference? help at all. Today, this comic is no longer on sale and that’s great. But I find that conversely, adb directory in the mia, we don’t talk enough about the fact that there are alternatives and positive representations of black children. There are more and more small creators like me who stand up and do things. But we are not visible enough and that’s precisely the crux of the matter.