The attempt counts

William Wallace tried to defeat the British in “Braveheart”. He himself was executed. But his death brought the Scots one step closer to freedom.

We admire the hero more for his attempt than for his success.

Means for you:

Don’t just talk about successes.

But also of failed attempts.

Have you had a product idea that didn’t work?

Talk about it

People who only talk about their successes quickly come across as show-offs.


4. Why should I read on?
This is the question your reader is asking himself.

Give him the answer.

As quickly as possible.


By presenting the conflict.

A conflict consists of two forces pulling in different directions.

1. An inner conflict

“Should I marry the girl or not?”

2. An external conflict

“Our country is under attack, but I don’t want to leave.”

Without conflict, there is no reason to continue reading your story.

Good storytellers recognize exciting conflicts.

How does this work in italy email list marketing?

Know your customers’ internal and external conflicts (“I want to make more money, but I don’t want to hard sell.”)

Address the conflict.

Tell a story about it.

And present how you resolved the conflict.


5. The magic ingredient in every story
The pace of storytelling is important

Everyone knows him:

The friend who just can’t get to the point.

Don’t be that friend when you’re storytelling.

But don’t be hague academy of international law courses like “Hammy” from the movie “Over the Hedge”:It’s too hectic.

The art of storytelling is balance.

A mixture of fast america email list and slow moments.

By making lots of paragraphs, using incomplete sentences, and writing in a slightly choppy style.

You can slow down your text by using longer paragraphs, subordinate clauses, or longer words, thereby forcing the reader to slow down.

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