How do you do this in detail?

The most valuable skill on the planet
Purely theoretically:

If you can convince others to do something for you, you will never have to do anything yourself again.

And so the most valuable skill on this planet is the ability to persuade.

That’s why I’m a fan of copywriting – it’s about persuading people with the written word.

If you master this skill, you can do the following things:

Generate leads (because you can convince people to give you their email)
Selling (because you can convince people that the product is worth more than their money)
Leading (because you can convince people to follow you)
Of course, Alex Hormozi did not invent persuasion.

He learned it.

Through classics like “Influence” by Robert Cialdini. You can find the book on my list of the most important marketing books .


A very powerful method to seduce and convince people with words is bullet points .

The King on the Business Chessboard

Marketing is queen.

But who is the king?

The offer.

That’s why I start with all my mentoring participants right there: with the offer.

What is your promise?

The problem: Most promises (offers) sound the same.

They are interchangeable.

The trick is to create an offer that is attractive to the customer AND at the same time lucrative for you as an entrepreneur.


The best thing to indonesia email list do is to get Alex Hormozi’s book: 100M Dollar Offers

He explains to you step by step how to create an offer that people are happy to buy (for a lot of money).


8) The Price of Fame
Alex Hormozi on stage
Why are so few people in the content business when it is such a good business model?

Very easy:

They don’t want to pay the price

Because the price is: you are visible. Vulnerable. Open to criticism.

Alex Hormozi had an important virtual switchboard vs call center management: what is the difference? conversation with a “celebrity” who was often and frequently criticized.

But he told him: “If I have america email list to endure public criticism every day in order to earn millions every month, then I am willing to pay that price.”

Maybe you won’t make millions.

But as a content creator, you will earn more money and have more customers than you do now. But that comes at a price.

Once Alex Hormozi understood this, he was ready to come out of hiding and become a public figure.

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