Painter, visual artist, extraordinary artist, Neïla Czermak Ichti does not like to define and be defin. The 28-year-old woman born in Bondy who studi at the Beaux-Arts in Marseille likes to draw hybrid creatures, her mother, her uncles and a bit of everything at the same time, mixing the intimate with the “strange”. Her work is currently exhibit at the Institut du Monde Arabe as part of the exhibition “ARABOFUTURS” until October 27, 2024. Interview.
If you had to present your work to people
who don’t know you in a few sentences, what would you say?
I mainly paint and draw, but I’m starting to do more and more things that look like sets, puppets, installations suspend in the air. My favorite tools are ballpoint pens and airbrushes, and my teachers at the Beaux-Arts didn’t like that, by the way. I’m inspir a lot by horror movies like Carrie , science fiction like Alien , or cartoons like Little Nemo in Slumberland , all from the 80s.
As a child, I often collect old cassettes from the market or from my paraguay phone number library cousins, it left a lasting impression on me. In addition, I work for a long time with personal archive images, mainly old family photos or those taken by myself.
Since when have you been drawing?
I start drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil and I really lik collage and cutting. Also, I have to mention that my dad paint all his life, but always staying out of the contemporary art market. He paint a lot with international law and distribution conference He paint clowns, he paint wding cakes. He was inspir by
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Radiation is the engine that keeps the energy exchange adb directory the American. between the atmosphere, the oceans and the Earth’s surface going. The state of our atmosphere and the Earth’s average temperature result from the balance of the various radiation flows between these three components. An imbalance in the radiation balance not only causes a number of meteorological dynamics, but also influences climate change. The high-precision measurement of radiation flows is an important part of research into climate change, in which MeteoSwiss is involved as part of the measurement program
Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW)