The plunge into entrepreneurship and bootstrapping

Utrecht, the quieter and quainter cousin of  italy phone number library Amsterdam. A city lin with canals and dott by mieval buildings; it also serves as the ideal backdrop. For creatives like Diana and Al due to its community of like mind creatives.

In their office, a large shelf fill

With lush greenery houses planters shap like astronauts. Submarines, and dinosaurs, displaying a collection of their works and work in progress prototy

pes. Their workspace, complete with design-fill bulletin boards, floor to ceiling cupboards housing prototypes, and spacious desks, is the birthplace of more than 40 newly design giftware items each year that are sold in over 45 countries.

A collection of planters creat

Bitten Design in the shapes of dinosaurs, astronauts, and squirrels.
Dinosaurs, submarines, and squirrels, just some of the  planters creat by Bitten Design. Shuang Esther Shan
Bitten’s origins go back more than a decade, when Diana and Al understanding the product or service were working in the gifting design industry. They met Jos Reinders, who would become Bitten’s third co-founder, Jos Reinders, at their previous company. “We all had a different skill set and realiz that we were ao lists making a lot of money for other people,” Al says. Along with the pursuit of financial independence, the lure of creative freom was a key motivator for the trio in starting the business. “We have no rules about what we can make,” Al says. “It’s up to us and what we feel is on trend at that moment.

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