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Unusual Progress Signs on the Path to a | BE Numbers

Unusual Progress Signs on the Path to a Breakthrough

Have you ever had thoughts like that? Notions that everyone else who has some form of success. With their online business ideas achieved it by taking smart. Consecutive steps that always led them forward. Take two steps forward, one step back Stop to dance a little Forget why you’re even standing up, so you sit down for a bit. It can feel like that, but I have to remind myself that I don’t actually believe success comes from making “ultra productive, wise decisions” all the time. The “continually-trying-to-figure-things-out. Shuffle goes hand-in-hand with a professional creative life. You can practice mindful decision-making to increase your chances of a favorable outcome.

You’ve “Wasted Time” on a Client

But that doesn’t make you immune to challenges. And sometimes challenges are exactly what we need to get clear about our priorities and make the next right choice. To remind us that working toward a goal in the creator economy is typically more awkward than elegant. Here are seven — seemingly unpleasant — signs of progress. It could be a content creator who doesn’t respond to your collaboration request or a site that rejects your article pitch even if you’ve followed smart B2B Email List guest posting best practices. The first time I sent a guest post pitch to Copy blogger, I didn’t hear back from the team. But that “no” was an indicator that I was trying something new. And it helped me focus on doing some serious work.

Someone Doesn’t Like Your Work

If either no one looked at my pitch email or they just weren’t interested in my idea, I decided to trust that we weren’t a match. “Trusting” didn’t mean that I gave up. I found a blog that wanted to publish my article, and I invested time in finding the right sites for all of the guest posts I wrote. Three years later, Copybloger asked me to guest post for them. Just because someone tells you “no,” it doesn’t necessarily mean BE Numbers they don’t like you or your work. You can’t take “no” personally. Other times, people will actually dislike your work. But you can’t take that personally either. If everyone in your audience has the exact same perspective, your audience probably isn’t that big. But if you reach new people on a regular basis, you’ll encounter someone who doesn’t like what you do.

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