What is the why of the story?

Dale Carnegie is a master of this technique.

He shows us how in his book “How to Win Friends”.

He tells page after page of one story.


To get his message across:

“Never criticize.”

All stories have the same “moral of the story.”

Therefore, always ask yourself: What is the core message of this story?

Why am I telling it?

What effect does it have?

Unfortunately, we often meet people who have no feeling for this. They tell stories, but don’t know what the point of the story is.

For this reason:

First, make it clear to yourself what the story says.

Then think: Does this fit the current situation, my article or my brand message?


23. What is at stake?
There is a lot at stake in a good story.

The hero loses his marriage, his job, his money or even his life.

You can easily transfer this technique into your content marketing :

Tell the reader what is at stake.


What does he gain from reading the article? And what does he lose if he doesn’t read the article?


“In this article I’ll show you how you can save up to 3,000 euros in taxes. And at the end I’ll tell you the most expensive tax mistakes that can cost you up to 5,000 euros. Every year.

I will also give you 3 examples of how you as an entrepreneur can legally reduce your taxes without using complicated models.

Plus: I’ll reveal how much tax I saved last year using my WHID method and give you a template to follow my example.”

You see:

There is a lot of money at stake.

So it is worth reading the article.


24. I never lose
I have already lebanon email list written more than 1,000 newsletters.

Some were absolute hits – and earned me thousands of euros.

Others were total flops and didn’t even bring in a penny.

The rest was somewhere in between.

The most important thing in storytelling: practice.

What if a story doesn’t work?

Then it was not forgivable.

Then you know what doesn’t work.

“Sometimes association eu pact on migration and asylum conversation you win. Sometimes you learn.”
– John C. Maxwell


25. Coincidences are for lazy bums
When your hero america email list gets into trouble by chance, it’s exciting.

However, if your hero is saved by chance, then it is boring.

In this case, the author was lazy and didn’t want to think of a creative way to save the hero.

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